Tuesday, December 16, 2008


To "search" for happiness, I tried to look up "happiness" from Wikipedia.

"Happiness is an emotion associated with feelings ranging from contentment and satisfaction to bliss and intense joy" walawala~ to my surprise, there's actually a tool called The Oxford Happiness Inventory for measuring happiness. Well, since when happiness became something that you can MEASURE????

But ironically, I tried to search for happiness from Wikipedia!! Human being is just weird!!!

Saturday, November 1, 2008

All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy

I can almost feel what Jack Torrance feels.

Sunday, January 6, 2008

Special thanks to... MR.林夕

常言道鬥爭 緊握了拳頭
拳頭若放開 可擁抱四周
靜默放心裡 笑容隨左右
前途在你手 你找到沒有

常言道強闖 少不免逆流
人柔弱似水 卻可以載舟
命運會刻意 鍛煉你身手
但勤勞是你的 最佳老朋友

得失只一念 風景不轉心境轉
煩惱來自偏執一切 也依戀
風吹草動 命途亂了我不亂
交出了平常心 再隨緣

萬物有天意 我們有雙手
來而後去邊 看一看便夠
自在放心裡 往事留背後
無為是最高 你聽過沒有
自在放心裡 往事留背後
浮雲後曙光 看一看便夠

Thursday, December 6, 2007


《暗戰》、《槍火》、《大隻佬》都是我的心頭好,事隔數年, 杜琪峰+韋家輝再次携手創作《神探》。入場前我多少帶著期待的心情 (無懼承受「希望愈大失望愈大」的結果!!哈!) 幸好,此片沒有令我失望!《神探》絕對是值得一看的電影,誰說香港電影己死?



當然此片亦有未盡完美的地方,例如那7隻鬼中只有對其中3隻的個性有所交代,那其餘的4隻呢?還有最後鏡陣槍戰一幕,又有抄襲Orson Welles的 "The Lady From Shanghai"之嫌。但無論如何,一部有誠意的本地創作,沒有不支持的理由吧!!??

Saturday, November 17, 2007


Jungian theory says extraverts feel energy when interact with large group of people, they thrive by being centre of attention while introverts enjoy being alone and would rather think than talk with someone else.

Of course it's obsolete to explain human activity this way, afterall who could measure the flow of mental engery? But today, I suddenly hope everyone in this world is 100% introvert. So everyone would feel comfortable to be alone, people don't need crap talks to stay "in touch" with others, don't need recognition from others to make oneself feels good, everyone would be self-sufficient, emotionally.

How peaceful.

Saturday, October 27, 2007


SAW is here again!!! Surprisingly short period of time since SAW 3.
SAW 1, SAW 2, SAW 3........Everything changes but I'm still looking forward to the movie.

Thursday, September 27, 2007


I reckon the commercial building scene in Central is awesome. Skyscapers in HK is in fact something that I'm proud of. But I doubt if it's necessary to make everywhere in HK to be Central the 2nd, the 3rd, the 4th, the 5th, the Nth?
Building "Asia's world city" is not about building skyscapers (seriously, can you actually "build" an "asia's world city" by saying those chessy slogan?!!!) Nothing is left when a place has lost its uniqueness. Thanks for scholars like 龍應台 who gives us alternative views for "how to build a asia's world city"